A DWI Lawyer in Queens County, NY May Not Be Able to Help a Driver Avoid Paying for a Victim’s Injuries

by | May 9, 2018 | Lawyers

Drunk drivers cause accidents every day. Many times, they only injure themselves. However, far too many people are hurt because someone who had too much to drink got behind the wheel of a car. Often, these drivers think they are sober enough to drive or even that they drive better after they’ve had a couple of drinks. Once they crash into another car, it’s too late for them to change their minds.

The Arrest

Drunk drivers are often arrested at the scene of the accident they caused. People arrested for DWI typically spend the night in jail and get in touch with a DWI lawyer in Queens County, NY the next morning. That attorney helps them manage their criminal case, which could take months and several thousands of dollars to resolve. They may lose their driving privileges and have to pay fines. This case is completely separate from any injury case the victim of drunk driving may file against them.

Personal Injury Claims

A DWI lawyer in Queens County, NY usually doesn’t represent clients in personal injury claims. Both the victim and the drunk driver may need to get their attorneys if the insurance company doesn’t offer a suitable settlement right away. Auto accident victims, especially those who were injured by drunk drivers, often need extensive medical care to recover. This might include physical therapy or other alternative treatments in addition to care by their primary physician. The costs can add up quickly. The drunk driver’s insurance company should cover these costs, but it sometimes takes the help of the Law Offices of Joseph J. Perrini, III to get the necessary compensation to pay the bills.

There are too many ways for an intoxicated person to travel instead of driving their car. They could ride with a sober friend, use a ride-sharing app, or call a taxi. When an innocent victim gets hurt due to someone else’s poor decisions, they should click here to learn how an experienced attorney may be able to help them get compensation to cover their medical bills, lost wages and even pain and suffering from the driver or their insurance company. Click here for more information.

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