When you are hurt and file a personal injury claim, there will be a claims adjuster who will work to try their best to save the insurance company money. Many adjusters follow the rules and do their job properly, but there are some that bend the rules or break them altogether. A Personal Injury Attorney in St Petersburg FL is very helpful when dealing with the insurance company for this very reason.
The adjuster who does not mind breaking the rules will try a few different methods to hurt your claim. It helps to know what these methods are upfront before even speaking with the adjuster. One of these methods is telling you that you have to settle with the other company. At the beginning of negotiating, the adjuster may tell you that you must contact the other insurance company because their client is more responsible for the accident. However, an insurance company has to put in writing that it is the primary insurance company. Until then, you can work with either insurance company.
If you delayed notifying the insurance company after the accident that you want to file a claim, the adjuster may tell you that the time you waited disqualifies your claim. With third-party claims, you must make your claim within the statute of limitations. There is no other time frame that you must meet. If you are filing under your insurance, your policy may specify the time frame in which you must report an injury. However, the company has to honor your claim as long as they are able to investigate it. The company has to prove that the time passed negatively impacted their ability to investigate the case. For example, evidence no longer exists at the accident scene. You should keep in mind that it is not your responsibility to prove that their investigation is not harmed by the time passing.
Naturally, each insurance adjuster will come attached with their own book of tactics to try to get out of paying. It is best to consult with your Personal Injury Attorney St Petersburg FL to learn all of the methods that adjusters have been known to try and what you should do when they do.
Browse Bulluck Law Group for more information.