Have You Been Exposed to Benzene and Have Myelodysplastic in Chicago?

by | Jul 11, 2023 | Attorneys

A set of illnesses involving abnormal blood cells are myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), sometimes known as myelodysplasia. The bulk of blood cells in healthy people are created in the bone marrow. But in the marrow of MDS patients, the immature blood cells do not fully develop into platelets or red/white cell cells as they should.

These blood cells typically pass away earlier than regular cells do. Even worse, the body perceives the aberrant cells as threats and attacks them. Myelodysplastic syndrome patients consequently experience a deficiency in healthy blood cells. Although MDS affects a range of cell types, it frequently results in anemia, a disorder marked by a deficiency of red blood cells.

Myelodysplastic from Benzene exposure is a common risk. Inks, fuels, degreasers, and paints all contain benzophenone. It has been linked to cell mutations that can lead to leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome. Similar to pesticides, exposure to herbicides can cause MDS.

Both exposures to heavy metals like lead and cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation have been related to myelodysplasia.

Symptoms are uncommon in the initial phases of the illness. This regrettable truth is one of the key causes of the disease’s sometimes difficult-to-diagnose nature. But over time, those who have MDS might observe:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Reduced appetite
  • Loss of weight
  • A bone ache

The following are other signs of myelodysplastic syndrome:

  • Abnormal pallor
  • Anemia is a low red blood cell count.
  • Simple or extraordinary bleeding or bruising
  • Thrombocytopenia, a low blood platelet count

If you believe you have Myelodysplastic from Benzene exposure, contact Benzene Lawyers today.

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