Tips for Preparing for a Consultation with the Personal Injury Attorneys in Olympia, WA

by | Mar 10, 2017 | Personal Injury Lawyer

When it comes to preparing for a consultation with the personal injury attorneys in Olympia, WA, many injured victims find themselves feeling nervous. A person can especially feel nervous when they first enter the office. This is why it is of utmost importance an injured victim is properly prepared for the meeting so they will not forget to divulge any pertinent information that would assist the attorney in formulating the case so the process can begin.

Before the meeting, it is vital a victim writes down any pertinent information they have on their injuries, what caused them, and who is responsible. The more information a victim can share, the better equipped an attorney will be to help the victim pursue the right legal recourse. It is also important to gather any police reports, medical bills, and medical reports so these can be submitted to the attorney.

During the meeting, the attorney is going to expect the victim to be able to recount how their injuries occurred. The victim can expect the attorney to take notes and ask questions so they can gain a clearer understanding of the matter. At the meeting, the attorney will decide if they feel the claim is viable and will ask the victim to sign release forms so the attorney can begin to conduct a thorough investigation.

It is vital victims are forthright in offering information and answering questions during their consultation meeting. Providing erroneous information, only harm’s the attorney’s ability to help their client and can lead to unfavorable outcomes. After the attorney has agreed to take on the case, the injured victim will be asked to review a retainer agreement and then sign it. This creates a contract between the attorney and client and outlines both party’s responsibilities.

Meeting with the personal injury attorneys in Olympia, WA will allow victims to better understand their rights and what it will take to receive a fair outcome. Injured victims who would like to find more information are encouraged to call the attorney’s office and schedule a consultation appointment. Working with an attorney will allow victims to receive the fair settlement they deserve.

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