Unless you have very few assets, you are well advised to work closely with an estate planning lawyer. When you make this decision, know up front that the best results come from an efficient and productive partnership between you and your estate planning lawyer in Westminster. You should expect your lawyer to explain your options in clear and concise terms keep you abreast of the legal fees incurred and treat the decisions you make with respect.
You have to hold up your end as well:
Always be honest:
You will be hurting your heirs if you’re not open and honest with your lawyer; he or she must have complete information on your assets and any financial arrangements you have made. Also, understand that planning your estate may involve some awkward issues as well. You may want to endow your children equally but what do you do about a child that cannot handle money or is addicted to drugs?
A knowledgeable estate planning lawyer has dealt with these complications before. If the child is a spendthrift, the lawyer may suggest that a trust fund be established, giving someone else the responsibility of managing that child’s inheritance.
It is not always easy to “come clean” but you can rest assured that anything you say to your lawyer will be treated with the utmost confidence.
Help as much as you can:
There is no need for you to have your lawyer do things that you are perfectly capable of doing. Rather than insist that your estate planning lawyer in Westminster gather all pertinent information, there is no reason why you cannot provide deeds to real estate, divorce documents, insurance policies, etc.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions but you can make things easier if you try to ask all your questions at the same time. When your lawyer provides the answers, take note, it can often be hard to remember what you have been told, especially when the topic is as complex as your estate.
If you want to ensure that your estate is managed in accordance with your wishes, then you must prepare your will with the able assistance of an estate planning lawyer in Westminster. You are invited to contact The Law Offices of Norman J. Homen.