A Lawyer Can Protect Your Interests In A Case Involving The DUI Law In Twin Falls ID

by | Nov 2, 2017 | Lawyers and Law Firm

The DUI Law in Twin Falls ID is very strict and protects victims who have been injured by a driver who was under the influence when they were involved in an accident. An individual who has been seriously injured by a drunk driver should immediately contact a personal injury lawyer to protect their rights. A drunk driver is required by law to compensate a victim or their family for the damages they caused, including property damage. Drunk driving accidents are usually violent and cause serious injuries and death. A victim or their family should never have to financially suffer because of the negligence of another individual.

Insurance Company

A drunk driver’s insurance company is not going to be forthright in settling the case with a victim or their family. An insurance company will attempt to make an offer for a lesser amount to a victim and try to force them to settle the case as quickly as possible. The insurance company is only interested in paying a victim as little as possible.

Does An Attorney Help?

An attorney understands the tactics an insurance company will use to force a victim or their family to settle a case. The personal injury lawyer will prevent the insurance company from trying to bully an individual. They will immediately begin investigating an accident and representing the victim.

How Much Does An Attorney Cost?

A personal injury lawyer will not charge a victim or their family any fees. The only way an attorney is paid is if they win the case. The attorney will only receive a portion of the settlement from the insurance company and will discuss this with an individual at a free consultation.

Wrongful Death

The DUI Law in Twin Falls ID can provide compensation to surviving family members that lost a loved one in a drunk driving accident. In addition to the driver of the car, the establishment who provided alcohol to the drunk driver can be held responsible for someone’s death.

If you or a loved one have been seriously injured by the negligence of another individual or a drunk driver, you should find more About us, so we can protect your rights.

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