A Prenuptial Agreement Could Make the Job of a Divorce Dissolution Lawyer in Plant City, FL Much Easier

by | Feb 7, 2017 | Lawyers and Law Firm

At one time, a couple of decades ago, about half of all marriages ended in divorce. Today, fewer people are ending their marriages, but this is partial because many people wait until later in life to get married. When a couple gets divorced today, they are more likely to own property, operate a business and have a sizable retirement savings plan. All of these assets need to be assess and if they are determined to be marital property, separated in the divorce.

Older couples, who are more established in life when they get married, are more inclined to consider a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreements have a bad reputation that is generally unwarranted. An agreement like this can protect both spouses’ individual property. However, if they acquire anything together during the marriage, that may still be subject to being divided in the settlement. A divorce dissolution lawyer in Plant City, FL clients call when they need help could give an engaged couple advice about prenuptial agreements. However, it’s important for each partner to have their own legal representation, such as Gregg S. Kamp, P.A., prior to entering into an agreement that limits what they will receive in a future divorce settlement.

Professionals who have been in the legal field for a while say that it’s best for a couple to talk about issues like this while they are happy and in love. That way, if they later get divorced, they won’t have to spend as much time or money to dissolve the marriage. A divorce dissolution lawyer in Plant City, FL can help residents get divorced much more quickly than they would without a prenuptial agreement. This can be quite valuable for people who really don’t want to be married anymore.

Whether or not a couple decides to write a prenuptial agreement is a personal decision. An attorney could help them with one if they want to use it or help them identify, assess and divide all of their assets in a divorce if they don’t. People who are interested in learning more can visit the website to get in touch with an experienced family law attorney.

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