In New York, injured workers are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. The terms of the insurance policies define the total value of benefits provided. They also outline what conditions deem the workers eligible for the benefits. A workers’ compensation attorney in Queens County, NY can provide answers to the claims.
Who Is Eligible for Benefits?
Any workers that are employed by a for-profit company is eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. However, some workers who are employed by a non-profit business may be eligible. The laws don’t cover independent contractors who perform services away from the commercial property. Contracted workers who have a contract that identifies them as an employee will qualify.
What Should Employees Do After an Injury?
The first step is to seek immediate medical attention and inform their supervisor. The employer must submit a C-3 file to the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board. All medical records for the claimant are also submitted as evidence for the claim. For further details about starting the claim, click here right now.
How Are Claims Processed?
The Workers’ Compensation Board assesses the claim and determines if the worker qualifies for additional benefits. All workers who were injured on the job receive full payment for their medical treatment. However, the worker cannot perform light-duty jobs and receive full workers’ compensation benefits. The medical findings must determine that they are unable to work and specify the time required for recovery.
What Is the Highest Percentage Available to Injured Workers?
Typically, the workers receive about sixty percent of their wages while they recover. However, some long-term conditions could increase the percentage awarded to the worker. Any permanent conditions could provide the worker with a lump sum value based on future earnings.
In New York, workers’ compensation provides monetary benefits for injured workers. The benefits replace wages during the worker’s recovery period. The policy also pays for medical expenses that accumulate due to the worker’s injuries. The employer must provide a C-3 form to submit a claim. Workers who need assistance with their claim can contact a workers’ compensation attorney in Queens County, NY through The Law Offices of Joseph J. Perrini, III or click here for more details.