How Much Do Auto Accident Attorneys Charge for a Car Accident?

by | Apr 18, 2017 | Auto Accident Lawyer

One of the biggest reasons individuals don’t seek the help of an attorney after an accident is due to the fear of owing money. Many people are under the impression they will have to pay to retain the attorney and are concerned they may not succeed, costing money they can’t afford to lose. To help you realize the value of hiring auto accident attorneys to handle your case, here are several facts about how much it will cost.


Perhaps the best news is most auto accident attorneys actually operate on a contingency basis. What does this mean for you? It means you won’t have to pay the attorney any fees unless you win your case. This may sound too good to be true, but it really does make sense. Lawyers know you are short on funds when you can’t work due to an injury. It also ensure they won’t take your case unless they are relatively certain they can win. Contingency is a win-win situation for you and the attorney.

Settlement Percentage

When auto accident attorneys do win your case for you, you will be charged a flat percentage of your settlement, ensuring you have the money you need and the attorney is paid for their services. A third of your settlement is common, though the cost can range between 25 and 40 percent. The variances in percentage typically relate to how much work the attorney had to do. For instance, the percentage for a lawyer who only needed to send a letter to the responsible party to get a reasonable settlement is lower than it would be if a trial was required. Other fees and expenses may also be charged so it’s important to talk about these issues before hiring any lawyer.

If you need a consultation after an auto accident, contact us. We will work with you to determine if you have a good case.

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